Precinct Caucuses 2024

What is a precinct caucus?

A precinct caucus is the beginning of a political party in Minnesota. Precinct caucuses will be held February 27, 2024.

Never been to a caucus? Not sure how it works? Learn more about the process below!

We encourage Minnesotans to show support for their preferred candidates by participating in the candidate endorsement process that leads up to the state party conventions.It all begins on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 with the precinct caucuses.Going to a caucus is a great way to show support for a candidate, raise an issue that’s important to you, influence who the party will endorse for many offices, and meet people in your community.

Caucus basics


The 2024 precinct caucuses will be held on Tuesday, February 27 at 7:00 p.m. at locations set by local BPOU (Basic Political Organizational Unit - sometimes refered to as County Party or Local Party).


Precinct caucuses are meetings run by Minnesota’s political parties. They are the first in a series of meetings where parties may endorse candidates, select delegates, and set goals and values (called party platforms).


Anyone! [The following was repealed by the 2022-2023 legislature namely Democrats. (To participate, you must be eligible to vote in the November 2022 general election and live in the precinct. You also must generally agree with the principles of the political party hosting the caucus.)
Remember you can query anyone running for delegate or submitting a resolution]


You have the right to take time off work to be at a precinct caucus or political party convention (if you’re a delegate or alternate). You must give your employer ten days’ written notice (See 202A.19, subd.2 and 202A.135).

Anyone may participate. You will elect or run as a delegate to the BPOU (basic political organizational unit of a party either organized by county or by State Senate District or State House District) convention. Also you will be allowed to submit resolutions that will travel up to higher level conventions, BPOU, Congressional District, and finally to the State convention. In the Republican Party of Minnesota there is a permanent platform so the resolutions you submit can modify, replace, delete, or add planks to the platform.

Why is it important?

The precinct caucus is the point where the party begins. In Minnesota we have a grass roots political system. From here you elect the delegates to the BPOU conventions (a 2 year assignment). At the BPOU convention resolutions are approved or denied and the approved passed to the Congressional District. Here at the BPOU convention delegates are elected to the Congressional District Convention and to the State Convention. In the odd number year these same delegates will elect local BPOU officers and delegates to the State Central Committee. Delegates elected at the BPOU level for the Congressional District Convention will in odd number years at the Congressional District Convention elect officers for the Congressional District one of whom will be the Congressional District representative to the State Executive Committee. Those State Central Committee delegates elected at the BPOU level will at a State Central Committee meeting elect the State Party officers.

As you can see everything starts in the party at the precinct caucus and you can have a hand in shaping the party. All you need to do is attend your precinct caucus on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

To be a delegate or alternate to the Congressional District Convention or/and the State Party Convention you first need to be a delegate or alternate to your BPOU Convention and that takes place in your precinct at the Caucus.